I. Love. My. Job.
I finally got my very own set of keys to my very own classroom. My very first classroom. My very hot, very small, very MINE, very wonderful classroom. I spent hours upon hours in my classroom today arranging my desks, putting up even more butcher paper than I already had, assembling a cubical shelf thing, and had my very first dance party in my room. I was listenign to Lady Gaga (of course) and I couldn't help but dance and sing up and down the aisles of desks that will soon sit real life teenagers. I felt like Ellen on my own talk show. I was blissfully happy in that moment.
I bounced in my seat the entire ride home and something stirred within me that I never want to go away. I had to get to IKEA and I had to get there today. I could spend hours in IKEA with no purpose and I was there even longer this time as found some sort of purpose for every item there for my classroom. (That would be one contemporary classroom.) Sadly, I only left with three measely items, but that's three items closer to the perfect classroom. MY perfect classroom.
Am I ready to be a for realz teacher, you ask? Absolutely not. Then, you must be wondering, am I super pumped to be a real life teacher? Absolutely 150%.
Nocturnally Yours
Speak kind words... Receive kind echoes

Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Comin' To America
Is there a better way to start a blog than to express how grateful you are for life? I submit that there is not. I have technically had this blog for over a year, but I could never quite figure out what to start with. Well, this past weekend opened my eyes to so many wonderful things in my life and I finally feel like sharing them with the world.
July 4th. Independence Day. What a great day? Who hates the Fourth of July? No one. That's who. (Well, maybe Great Britain) But I am particularly fond of this holiday, as it has consisted of friends, rafting, sunshine, giant sleepovers, spectacular fireworks and such a great road trip. This is our third year in a row going to Idaho Falls with a number of friends and partaking of the festivities there after rafting the Snake River near Jackson Hole. Every year I think "It can't get any better than this" and every year, it just keeps getting better. This year was especially eventful with the wildest ride down a river flowing at 23,000 cfs, whatever that means. Some were tossed, some were rolled, some were safely on board. But all in all, I consider us very blessed for getting every person off the river without any sustainable injuries more than a few scratches and bruises.
The night after rafting always consists of the GRAND fireworks show in Idaho Falls which some have said are "the best fireworks West of the Mississippi," and I couldn't agree more. This year, as I looked around as the show began, I was filled with warmth and love. I seriously have some of the best people as friends and I don't even know how I got that lucky. There are no funnier, more genuine, more kind, and just all around better people than my people. So thank you all for being the best. I have a lot of learning to do from you.
Without boring you to death with words, I'll say a couple of things. I love my life. I love my freedom. I love America. I love my family. I love my friends. I love it all.
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